Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Double page spread 2

This is a double page spread from a magazzine called NME. like in Kerrang and MixMag this is also the first double page spead of the main story on the front cover of the magazine. This article is about how the womon in the picture (Florence Welsh) has conquered the USA with her new song 'you've got the love' but she is very angree with her self. like in mixmag they have only used one picture that is spread over both pages as an interpritation of the article. The picture is of a women sitting on what looks to be a US flag layed over some stacked up boxes. i think that the message that they are tring to imitate with this is the conquuring part of the USA. the stacked up boxes act as a podium and the US flag over it astablishes that it is the USA. she is dressed wearing all black- to wear black is kind of a gothic look and the steriotypical view of goths is that they like to berry thier feelings inside them. this could be them trying to imitate her feeling through what she is wearing. also her hair is all over her face and her expresion is very dull this also helps to show the reader that she is hiding her hair and is quite unconfortable. in the back ground behind her it has a big 'USA' and then infront of it over the A it has, 'got the love.' i think that this picture works very well with the picture and the article. once again like in MixMag they have used play on words to create the name of the title. as Florence's new song is called 'you've got the love' and the article is saying how she conquured the USA with it by putting them together it cleverly creates the title USA got the love. the picture has been cleverly taken so that there is a gap in it with a white background designed forn the text to be added over. this is a very good technique as it helps to blend the writing with the opicvture but by having black text on a white background it also helps to make it stand out.

The layout of this double page spreasd is very simurlar to MixMag it has the title in the top right hand corner and the start of the article in the bottom right hand corner. also it has a brief summery of what the article is about under the title and like in Mix Mag they have wrote it like a question. finally they have used a big D to state the start of the article. this was also done in Mix Mag and NME. in the bottom right hand corner it also has the page number, date and the NME logo. to put the logo and the number in my magazine on each page could be a good idea because then it get people familiar with it helping to boosdt the identity of the magazine. the writing has been layed out in colums and is the smallest text on the page. the font used for the main text is very easy to read and simple. this is a good idea because it then doesnt draw the attention away from the picture and also it makes it easy reading for the reader. i need to be carful that i dont use a to confusing font for my article because it might put the reader of reading it.

over all i think that this double page spread is alot like how MixMag layed thiers out down to the pictures and the text. i like the way they have used a double meening on the title and tried to mix the picture and the text together by deliberatly leaving a gap in the picture for the text.

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